• Our Volunteers Rock: 36th Annual Volunteer Recognition Event

    By Jenise Henrikson, June 7, 2015

    Volunteers are a big part of the reason Deer Hollow Farm is able to continue to open its doors each year. Each year, nearly 100 volunteers take time out of their lives to help out on The Farm. At our Annual Volunteer Recognition Event, we take the time to thank them for all of their hard work.

    Volunteer Recognition Event

    The 36th Annual Volunteer Recognition event was a lot of fun! This year’s event included awesome food, live music, and a few heart felt speeches. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves!

    This year, Deer Hollow Farm volunteers gave an amazing 8,000 hours. That is like having four extra people working full-time at the Farm! Multiplied by $10 an hour (average hourly rate in the state), our volunteers donated $80,000 worth of labor – a true labor of love for love this magical place.

    deer hollow volunters


    Thank you to all our volunteers for all the hard work you do to make Deer Hollow Farm a place where families can relax, explore, and learn.



    voluneers2Are You Interested in Volunteering at Deer Hollow Farm?

    If you would like to join the fun, we would love to have you. Volunteering for the Farm requires no experience, as training is provided. You can choose what area you would like to donate your time to based upon your skills and availability. Learn more about becoming a Friends of Deer Hollow Farm Volunteer here.


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