• Visit Our Garden!

    By Jenise Henrikson, January 17, 2017

    Deer Hollow Farm is home to many typical farm animals that our visitors enjoy learning about and interacting with daily. One invertebrate species you might be surprised to find at the farm happens to live in great numbers in our garden.

    Garden volunteer Fred Offenbach looks after more than 1500 Red Wiggler worms that reside in the garden’s worm farm. The wigglers munch on green waste and produce nutrient rich castings that will eventually be used to enrich the soil for crops.

    Fred took on caring for the garden last August and has made some significant improvements. Aside from looking after the worms, he has squirrel-proofed the garden beds with custom-built covers and has cleaned up the area in preparation for the next growing season.

    Stop by the garden anytime. In Fred’s own words “a wiggling worm is much more exciting than a rather slow growing pea.” If you’d like to meet Fred and the worms to find out for yourself you might find him in the garden before noon on Saturdays and Sundays when the weather is nice.

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