About The John W. Garner Award
John W. Garner served as the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under President Lyndon Johnson and as a USMC captain in World War II. During his lifetime, he was well known as a public servant, and was awarded the S. Roger Horchow Award for Greatest Public Service by a Private Citizen in 1973.
For the past 11 years, The John Gardner Award has honored volunteers who make a difference through community based non-profit organizations.
The 11th Annual John W. Gardner Awards Dinner
Held at the Los Altos Community Foundation on March 26th, 2015, this year’s award was presented to FODHF volunteer Mike Hammes.
Left to right: Donna Poulos, founding member of FODHF, Mike Hammes, Honoree, FODHF President Sue Gale, FODHF Treasurer Carla Dorow, FODHF Board member Judith Stewart, Mountain View Recreation Department Manager Lauren Merriman, FOHDF Board members David Fung, Kevin Henrikson, and Jenise Henrikson.
About Mike Hammes
Mike previously served as a FODHF Board Member, and as President of the Board. He continues to support the Board by volunteering at our Farm Tours in our Merchandise Booth and at Ohlone Day in the Pump Drill station.
Congratulations to Mike, and thank you for all the work you do in support of Deer Hollow Farm! You are truely an inspiration.