• Summer Camp At Deer Hollow Farm

    By Jenise Henrikson, June 23, 2016

    Summer Camp At Deer Hollow Farm

    Summer Day Camp is in full swing at Deer Hollow Farm with 400 children, ages 6-14 years old, participating in the Summer Farm and Wilderness week-long day camps. Camp is held from June 20 through August 5.

    The Farm and Wilderness camp provides a wonderful opportunity for children to spend time with and care for farm animals, explore the surrounding Preserve and have fun with new friends. Activities include farm demonstrations, hikes in the preserve, crafts, games, and a night of sleeping under the stars for campers age 10 and older.

    Children participate in small groups with Camp Counselors. Helping the Counselors are local volunteer students, who are part of Mountain View’s Leader-in- Training (LIT) Program. This Summer LIT Program, for students 13-17 years old, provides an opportunity for teens to gain valuable on-the- job experience, skills and knowledge to prepare for their first real job. For information about the Camp and LIT Program, call Deer Hollow Farm at (650) 903-6430.

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