• Holiday Donor Drive: Be A Friend of the Farm

    By Jenise Henrikson, November 7, 2016

    Year-end holidays are a great way to celebrate the Farm with your support. The non-profit Friends of Deer Hollow Farm is conducting its annual “Be A Friend” donor campaign. Spread the love and the important message about Deer Hollow Farm’s environmental education programs. Make a donation today!

    Your support is vital to Deer Hollow Farm, a regional environmental education programs center hosting more than 100,000 visitors annually for free. Visitors come from 14 Bay Area cities to view the Farm animals and take a walk through the “living history” barnyard. Nearly 5,000 students from 52 schools in 12 Silicon Valley cities will attend more than 200 classes this year. About 40% of those students receive scholarships and busing from Friends donors.

    Here are some ways your donation helps:

    • $20 buys one bale of hay or alfalfa feed, the main staple of most Farm animals.
    • $25 sends four students on a field trip for several hours of exciting outdoor education
    • $50 supports the goat herd for two days
    • $100 supports the sheep for about a week
    • $350 supports Luna the Cow with feed and care for a month
    • $400 pays for busing for a field trip.

    This year, Friends is providing Donor Appreciation gifts to individual donors. Every donor receives a photo Thank-You card featuring the iconic White Barn and two newsletters annually. Donors through January 2016 will receive a handy calendar featuring Farm events.

    FODHF offers free passes to Farm events such as the Spring Farm Tours to donors giving $250 or more in the past year.

    All donors providing more than $1,000 in the past year will have their names on the Deer Hollow Farm Donor Wall.

    Other ways to support the Farm include purchasing FODHF gifts from the Nature Center, open December 17 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.

    Join our “Be A Friend” Donor Drive to support our Farm. Your Friends at Deer Hollow Farm, the staff, animals, students, and fellow Farm visitors all thank you!

    Make a donation today!

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