• FODHF Included in Silicon Valley Community Giving Recommendations

    By Jenise Henrikson, December 30, 2015

    Friends of Deer Hollow Farm is proud to be included in a short list of organizations recommended for giving by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF). Read about us here.

    As the largest community foundation in the nation, SVCF helps build and strengthen the community by bringing together people and organizations who want to strengthen the common good. FODHF’s inclusion on their recommended giving list is a great honor.

    Be a friend of deer hollow farm

    About Deer Hollow Farm

    Deer Hollow Farm is a public 160-year-old historical ranch located in Silicon Valley. Our mission is to support environmental education programs for our community, including 100,000+ visitors and thousands of students annually. Friends of Deer Hollow Farm is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports the Farm via fundraising, awareness efforts, and fun events for families.

    Donate to FODHF Today

    There are just a few days left in the year to make your 2015 tax-deductible donation to the Farm family. Here’s a handy link where you can help support the Farm in 2016. Volunteers are also welcome!


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