• We Asked… “What’s Your Favorite Thing About The Spring Farm Tour?”

    By Jenise Henrikson, April 12, 2016

    With spring in full swing, we thought it would be fun to feature highlights of our upcoming, popular Spring Farm Tour, happening April 16. Held every year, this special fundraising event offers a unique chance to learn what life was like when agriculture, not tech, was king!

    We asked our farm staff and volunteers what they thought was the best thing about this event…

    1) The Goats!

    These energetic, “funniest and friendliest” little guys are one of the most popular attractions at the farm, and it’s easy to see why. The goat babies (‘kids’) are the cutest when they try to jump on their new climbing playset.

    “I love to watch the baby goats leap straight up in the air and chase each other.” They love people, and will try to nibble your shirt if you don’t keep an eye on them!

    2) The Pigs!

    Be sure to “see the new pig pen” and how happy our pigs are in their new home. It’s equally striking “seeing the children’s wonder at seeing the size of the pigs.”

    3) Sharing the Farm Life!

    One docent felt that “the tours are the best way to share my love of the farm.” Of course, “being able to experience the farm from the other side of the corral fence…from the farmer’s perspective” is golden!

    Buying “a Friends of Deer Hollow Farm tee shirt – one for every member of your family” is a great way to share farm life post-tour.

    4) Watching the Children Interact with the Animals!

    There’s no shortage of interactions, whether “petting the animals (softness of rabbits and feathers of chickens)” or going “nose to nose with a rabbit.” Children love to “touch a warm, freshly laid chicken egg” and go “eyeball to eyeball with the chickens & geese.”

    Spring Farm Tour

    Saturday, April 16, 2016

    10:00 am – 2:00 pm

    $7 per person (1 and under, free)

    Visitors will delight in four wonderful hours to explore around the farm.Watch a cow being milked” or “sit by the duck pond and listen to the quacks.”  “Taste veggies harvested from the garden” or “see a stuffed mountain lion, bobcat and fox up close.” Photographers, bring your cameras!

    How to get to the Farm

    Deer Hollow Farm is located in the beautiful Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve.

    From the parking lot, there is an easy, flat, paved 1-mile trail through the park to the Farm. Carpool recommended, as parking is limited at the Farm.

    Strollers and bicycles are very welcome!

    GPS address: 22500 Cristo Rey Drive, Cupertino, CA

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