• Ever Wondered About the History of Deer Hollow Farm?

    By Jenise Henrikson, December 14, 2014

    In our ongoing mission to support environmental education programs in our community, we recently launched a new section of our website!

    The new Deer Hollow Farm History page includes historical photos and highlights how the farm has transformed over the past 160 years. Learn about the Grant family and how the farm came to be the resources we know and love today. 

    The original Grant Homestead was located near the current Deer Hollow Farmer’s home. This photo likely shows Frank Grant and his wife Margaret standing to the left and brother George with the horse on the right. The Grant homestead included a small orchard and a large garden, thought to be located on the site of today’s Ohlone Village. The couple planted a Monterey Pine near their home. Today, near the bridge to the current farm house, one can see offspring of that pine.

     A historical photo of the original Grant Homestead,  located near the current Deer Hollow Farmer’s home.

    Answering the Call of the Gold Rush

    Our history page details the story of Deer Hollow farm, which began around the time of the California Gold Rush. From 1848 to 1855, hundreds of thousands of people traveled to California for the chance to make their fortune. The Grant Brothers, Frank and George, were among those settlers, but they had a different plan in mind. Instead of mining for gold, they sought to provide services to the gold seekers. 

    Over the years, the Grant family entered into a number of different businesses on the farm including producing firewood for trains, ranching, and growing wheat and hay. Frank married, and he and his wife Margaret raised their family on the farm, where they lived until their deaths. Many of the buildings you see on on the farm today were built by Frank and his family over the years.

    Historical Resource

    The History page includes sources and resources compiled by Sue Gale,the Board President of Friends of Deer Hollow Farm. These resources include letters, newspaper clippings, interviews, and papers. Our hope is this page will serve as a valuable resource for our entire community –  from students writing reports to curious visitors. 

    Visit our history page to learn more about Deer Hollow Farm’s past. 



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