• Double Your Donation on May 3: SVGives 2016

    By Jenise Henrikson, April 27, 2016
    Silicon Valley Gives 2016

    Silicon Valley Gives 2016 (“SVGives”) is an annual online fundraiser hosted by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.  It benefits hundreds of South Bay non-profit organizations, including Deer Hollow Farm!

    Silicon Valley Gives Day is happening on Tuesday, May 3, 2016.

    Deer Hollow Farm does not have an endowment, so operating costs must be raised every year. Your SVGives donation supports our mission of environmental education and helps us maintain and improve our beloved Farm.

    This year, the first $13,000 of SVGives donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar thanks to generous matching grants from the Henrikson Family Foundation and Merrimac Fund.

    This means every $1 will become $2 to support Luna, Cinnamon, Merlin, Pepper, and all of our farm friends.

    Last year, Friends of Deer Hollow Farm had a fantastic turnout raising over $25K. We finished in 7th place among over 300 non-profits in our size range!

    For more information about SVGives, visit our FAQ page.

    With your support, Deer Hollow Farm will continue to educate, amuse, and thrive as it has for over 20 years.

    You can help us in three easy steps:

    1. Like us on Facebook for SVGives status updates.

    2. Tell your friends! In 2015 we had over 100 donors – if each of them had just one friend that donated $20, this would add up to thousands of dollars for the Farm.

    3. Mark May 3rd on your calendar and make your donation on SVGives Day. Or if you prefer, you can donate right now!

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