• Wilbur’s The Boar Has A New Home at Deer Hollow Farm

    By Jenise Henrikson, August 27, 2015

    Friends Funds Youth Projects

    Wilbur, the Farm’s boar, has a brand new home in Deer Hollow Farm’s upper pasture thanks to Akhil Palla’s Eagle Scout project to build a new enclosure for him.

    Wilbur Deer Hollow Hog

    Below, Akhil’s family is shown with Wilbur’s new home in the background. Akhil was the first Scout to use a CAD/CAM software package to design the final product for the Farm. wilbursnewhome1

    You can see more photos of the progress of his project here.

    Wilbur is thrilled with his new home. Thank you Akhil for working so hard to make this project come to life!

    Friends of Deer Hollow Farms funded part of Akhil’s materials for this project, which was coordinated with Farm Staff and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. This project is part of Friends’ Youth Volunteer Project Program, where volunteer youths from organizations like the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts plan, organize, fund-raise, and execute Farm improvement projects under the guidance of Farm and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space staff.

    Friends provides funding for these types of projects. Interested youth can contact Friends at info@deerhollowfarmfriends.org for more information.



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